Kryptopyrrole Quantitative Urine - DHA Laboratory

Lab Testing


Kryptopyrrole Quantitative Urine

DHA Laboratory

SKU: 6060


Product Description

**Note: All laboratory testing requires an authorizing physician. DHA Laboratory offers a patient direct program that partners you with an authorizing physician. If you have any additional questions regarding the availability of testing, please contact our laboratory by telephone or email.**


Pyroluria is characterized by elevated urine Kryptopyrrole levels, which result in a dramatic deficiency of zinc and vitamin B6. A high Kryptopyrrole result is also known as pyroluria, pyrrole disorder, or elevated pyrroles. If you do not have a practitioner that will order this testing for you, you can order this test directly through our website.

Our laboratory will provide you with the most accurate Kryptopyrrole result on the market. We are the only laboratory in the U.S.A. that provides a corrected Kryptopyrrole result. Our corrected result accounts for the concentration or dilution of the urine specimen. For example, if the patient has consumed a large amount of water prior to collection, the pyrrole levels will be lower in the initial result. This is due to the fact that the specimen is diluted. DHA Laboratory performs a validated procedure that calculates the level of dilution. Our procedure allows us to compensate for dilution (or concentration) in the corrected result. This allows our patients to have an accurate pyrrole result regardless of the concentration of the urine specimen. Due to the calculation we perform, patients only need to collect a one-time urine collection.


Symptoms Relating to Pyroluria Include:

  • Poor tolerance to physical / emotional stress
  • Poor anger control
  • Emotional mood swings
  • Poor short-term memory
  • Frequent infections
  • Inability to tan
  • Poor dream recall
  • Abnormal fat distribution
  • Sensitivity to light and sound
  • Tactile sensitivities


Pyroluria is Frequently Identified in:

  • Behavior disorders
  • Autism
  • Asperger’s
  • ADHD
  • ADD
  • Depression
  • Assaultive / Aggressive / Violent Behavior
  • Schizophrenia


The Kryptopyrrole test kit is an at-home urine collection kit. Our kit contains a stabilizing agent used to stop the deterioration of pyrroles, also known as HPL. The specimen must be frozen and shipped according to our directions. Specimen quality is extremely important for the Kryptopyrrole test. DHA Laboratory takes every measure necessary to ensure the integrity of each Kryptopyrrole specimen.


Treatment of Pyroluria:

Treatment consists of a replacement of zinc and vitamin B6. Because treatment is metabolic rather than pharmacologic, it needs to be focused towards each patient’s individual requirements. Age, weight, symptoms, and test results, along with several other factors are always taken into consideration when developing a treatment protocol. Both zinc and vitamin B6 supplementation needs to be directed by a trained physician. Too high of a supplement dosage can be toxic to the body, the wrong form will be ineffective, and certain competing minerals and supplements may have to be avoided.


Consultation Services:

DHA Laboratory retains Albert Mensah M.D. of Mensah Medical to provide phone consultations to patients and practitioners on test results and their interpretation. Dr. Mensah and his partner Judith Bowman M.D. are two of the nation’s top doctors practicing functional medicine. They are highly recommended by William Walsh PhD, and are both Pfeiffer trained physicians. The doctors practice medicine in Warrenville, Illinois and travel nationwide to see patients who can’t visit their main office. If you need guidance with interpreting your test results and formulating treatment, you will want to consider ordering a clinical consultation or becoming a Mensah Medical patient.


What’s Included in Your Test Kit Price:

  • Test kit instructions
  • All collection materials
  • Overnight Fed Ex return shipping label with shipping bag
  • Running of the test
  • Reporting of the results
  • A final receipt for services rendered to submit for insurance reimbursement


Patient Preparation: Do not collect the first morning urine specimen. A second morning urine collection is preferred, but not required. Supplements containing vitamins or minerals should be stopped 12-24 hours prior to your urine collection. Antibiotics may cause an interfering substance and create a result that cannot be reported. However, do not go off any prescription medications unless advised by your ordering physician.

Shipping Instructions

Urine Kryptopyrrole specimens can be shipped to our laboratory on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. Please do not ship your Kryptopyrrole specimen on a Thursday, Friday or over the weekend.


Instructions (PDF)
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Sample Report

Sample Report (PDF)
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