Years of Experience
DHA Laboratory is a CLIA-licensed, high complexity lab known for providing reliable biochemical assays supporting the functional treatment of mental, emotional and behavioral conditions. Located in Mount Prospect Illinois, DHA was founded by Ellen Hanson in 2003 to support the treatment model of the original Pfeiffer Treatment Center led by Dr. Carl Pfeiffer and Dr. William Walsh.
We are a third generation family-owned and operated lab who has developed and validated the global gold standard for the Kryptopyrrole Quantitative Urine Test, used by clinicians in 22 countries. Our core tests have been clinically used in research and treatment of over 600,000 patients with behavioral and emotional conditions including Anxiety & Depression, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), ADD/ADHD and Schizophrenia.
Years of Experience
Endorsed By
in Kryptopyrrole testing
Tests Ran Annually
CLIA Licensed
Consultation with World Renowned
Family Owned And Operated
Please take a moment to read about our specialty test panels and consultation services in detail. If you are seeking key laboratory testing to evaluate and optimize the overall health of your brain and body, you have come to the right place. We are here to help.
“The Repeat Offenders” Understand the lab tests: Pyrroles, Copper, Zinc, & Histamine. William J. Walsh PhD coined the “repeat offenders” term. In his best selling book, Nutrient Power: Heal your biochemistry and heal your brain, the “repeat offenders” statement reads as follows, “For several years I was perplexed by the repeated presence of certain biochemical imbalances in completely different mental disorders. For example, copper overload is present in most cases of hyperactivity, learning disability, post-partum depression, autism, and paranoid schizophrenia. In another example, undermethylation is often present in antisocial personality disorder, clinical depression, anorexia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and schizoaffective disorder. The primary repeat offenders are copper overload, B-6 deficiency, zinc deficiency, methyl/folate Imbalances, pyrrole disorder, and amino acid imbalances. Eventually I realized these factors had something in common –a direct role in the synthesis or functioning of a major neurotransmitter.”
Evaluate the most relevant bio-chemical markers: Methylation status with whole blood histamine, pyrrole analysis with a Kryptopyrrole quantitative urine, functional ratios of zinc to copper through copper serum and zinc plasma, and percentage of radical copper/unbound copper with the addition of ceruloplasmin. Match these results with practitioner or patient consultation, and you can effectively develop individualized advanced nutrient protocols that target the root cause of various symptoms.
Understanding individualized biochemistry and how to effectively correct and optimize brain function through advanced nutrients should start with DHA Laboratory. Regardless of if you suffer from a mental or emotional condition, or if you are just optimizing biochemistry to be the best you can be, we are here to assist. Our laboratory has formulated testing and consultation services that allow patients and practitioners access to the cutting edge of health care. The internationally recognized advanced nutrient therapy model of the Walsh Research Institute, the original Pfeiffer Treatment Center, Mensah Medical, and many others is available for all practitioners and patients through our laboratory.
Practitioners: Sign up with a free account or login to your exsiting account here.
Patient Direct: Shop our tests here. Our website check out process is simple, easy, and secure. If you do not want to check out on line please call us at 847-222-9546 so we can process your order.